OSW-NM-O-5-27-12 – Oswestry Boys High School 1953

Oswestry Boys High School 1953
Rows numbered from the bottom up and names numbered from left to right.
Row 1 Row 3
8 Peter Hughes 17 Winter (Chemistry)
11 Terry Bloxwich 21 Watkins (Woodwork)
12 Edwards 22 Moorbridger (Music)
13 Evans 23 Andrews
15 Gareth Thomas 25 Gibbons (Headmaster)
16 Steve Lowe (Deceased) 27 Fisher (French)
20 Terry Butler 28 Peacock (Maths)
21 Mick Davies 29 Drake (Maths)
23 Roger Pickavance 30 Lacey-Johnson (Physics)
25 Thom Jones 31 Roblin?
33 John Lancaster 32 Dickinson (History)
36 Hampson
37 FW Jackson Row 5
3 Glyn Jones
Row 2 4 Crundell
1 SA Jones 19 Neville Jackson
5 Kinglsey Smith? 20 John Cleaton
7 Tony Young 43 Lester
8 L M Jones 55 Peter Vaughan
9 Bryan Jones
11 Geoff Purslow Row 6
19 Brian Burgess 39 Tyrell Smith (Head Boy)
21 Payne
23 C G Brown
26 Jordan(senior)
27 Clive Jordan (Junior)
29 Thom Beaton
32 Herbert
34 E J W Jones (part concealed)
38 O’Connor