Photo Albums

Below is a collection of photographs taken in Oswestry and the surrounding area, during the 20th Century. The photographs are held in individual Albums, each with a relevant title. Simply click on an album to see the contents and then on the photograph to enlarge it for easier viewing. Oswestry has several albums, streets, roads etc.. Therefore, click on the individual album and not the one titled Oswestry.

All images are taken from the Oswestry Library – Photo, Slide & Negative Collections. Copies of these images must not be used for commercial purposes.

We have put together a list of all people identified in all our Photographs/Articles, including which Album/Article to find them. Two further lists of people found on War Memorials in Name order or Village order:-


  Names Found on War Memorials by Village V7

   Names Found on War Memorials by Name V7