OSW-PH-O-5-7-23 – The Cross

The Cross c1909 – taken from Verna Palmer – Oswestry & District : a portrait in old picture postcards published 1989 – caption reads “It was still possible to take a leisurely stroll along the centre of the road when this photograph was taken by Mr. Hughes in 1909. Nearly everyone is wearing a hat and many of the men are sporting splendid beards.  Behind the fine array of gas lamps on the left, the People’s Boot Mart, owned by Mr. Anderson, has boots and shoes for sale at 1/6d and 3/6d.  This building was demolished in 1987.  On the right, the shops belonging to Cash & Co. (shoes) and Corbett & Co (tobacco and sweets) have also been demolished recently and the site is now occupied by W.H. Smith”.